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Beta Glucan in the Avicolture
"Blood cells and plasma proteins of chickens fed a diet supplemented with 1,3- 1,6 beta d Glucan and enrofloxacin"
Fleiscer LG, Gerber G, Liezenga RW, Lippert E, Scholl MA, Westphal G Arch Tierernahr. 2000;53(1):59-73
"Comparison of the supplemental effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and antibiotics in low protein and high fibre diets fed to broiler chickens."
Onifade AA, Odunsi AA, Babatunde Gm, Olorede BR, Muma E.
Arch Tierernahr, 1999; 52(1): 29-39
"Growth performance, carcass characteristics, organs, measurement and haematology of broiler chichens fed a high fibre diet supplemented with antibiotics or dried yeast"
Onifade AA. Nahrung 1997 41:: 370-374

The beginning of the Story the "Zymosan"

What is Beta Glucan

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Latest news on Beta Glucan research

Beta Glucan as integrator for feeding as a valid alternative for enhancing natural defences.

Beta Glucan in the Pisciculture
"The Use of immunostimulants to Increase Resistance of Aquatic Organisms to Microbial Infection". J. Dermatol. Surg. Oncol., 15:1199-1202; 1989.Raa, J., Roerstad, G., Engstad, R., Robertsen, B.:
"Beta(I-3)glucan-glucans as Immunostimulants in Fish".
Modulators of Fish Immune Responses,
Vol. 1; 1994.Robertsen, B., Engstad, R. E., Jorgensen, J.B.:
"Yeast beta-glucan stimulates respiratory burst activity of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) macrophages," Dev. Comp. Immunol. 19:43-57; 1995 Jorgensen, J. B., Robertsen, B.:
Immunomodulation by dietary beta-1, 3-glucan in the brooders of the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon.
Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2000 Aug;10(6):505-14.

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Beta Glucan in  the diet of weanling pigs. 
"You can see the results: adding Beta Lievito Glucan to standard diet in quantity of 2 kg/ton. or quantity of 4 kg/ton. the medium daily weight will increase along four weeks from 11% (Group n. 2)  to 13,8% (Group. n. 3) ; from fifth to sixth week they have an increasing of the medium daily weight  from 6.47% (Group n. 2), until 15,67% (Group n.3). The average daily Feed intake divided per the medium daily weigth, is until less 10%  (Tab.3). Biliography and research on pigs fed with 0,025%  Beta Glucan, report the existance of  a complex interaction involving growth performance and resistence to infections (Streptococcus Suis)".  
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"Influence of dietary beta-glucan on growth performance, non-specific immunity, and resistance to Streptococcus suis infection in weanling pigs".
Journal Animal Science Nov. 1995; 73 (11): 3341-50
Dritz Ss., Shi J., Kielian Tl, Goodband Rd, Nelssen JL, Tokach MD, Chengappa MM, Smith JE, Blecha F.
Department of Animal Sciences and Industry, Kansas State University Manhattan 66506-56022, USA.

"Effects of particulate Beta 1,3 glucan on human, rat,and guinea pig complement activity."
J Reticuloendothel Soc. May 1983; 33 (5) : 401-13.Glowski MM, Cortes-Haendchen L, Ghekiere L, Alenty A, Williams DL, Di Luzio R